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Connecting TxDOT Women (CTW) Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Welcome! The Internal Communications Section is pleased to present this page for employees to share and connect with others during Breast Cancer Awareness month (Oct. 1 – 31). Employees are encouraged to share selfies, group photos, stories, resources, and quotes/art.


  1. Click on the “Post your story” button below.
  2. Add your pictures, stories, resources or favorite art/quotes to support breast cancer awareness.
  3. If you want your name to be included with your submission, please add it in the “Submissions” box. Your name will NOT appear with your submission unless you type it into the “Submission” field. Otherwise, your post will be anonymous.
  4. Click “Submit.”

Note: Posts containing inappropriate content will be removed; please keep comments respectful.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month can be difficult for some diagnosed with breast cancer or those who have lost loved ones to the disease. TxDOT’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP), operated by Alliance Work Partners, is available to TxDOT employees, their immediate family members, and anyone within their household and offers various resources, including short-term counseling at no cost. Learn more by visiting the Human Resources Division EAP page.

Site Disclaimer:

This site may contain general information relating to medical conditions, treatment options and individual experiences. The opinions expressed on this site are those of the authors. Such information is provided for informational purposes only and is not meant to be a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. No one should use this information for diagnosing or treating a medical condition.