Since January is National Human Trafficking Prevention Month, please join TxDOT in wearing blue on Thursday, Jan. 9 (in early observance of National #WearBlueDay, which is Saturday, Jan. 11 this year.) Also, please share your selfies and group photos wearing blue all month long to help raise awareness of human trafficking. Visit to learn more ways you can help combat this heinous crime.


  1. Click on the “Post your photo” button below.
  2. Click “Photo” at the top of the prompt and add your #WearBlueDay selfies and group photos to raise awareness of human trafficking.
  3. Provide a brief description of the photo in the “Submission” field. If you want your name to be included with your submission, please add it in the “Submission” field. If you do not provide your name, it will NOT appear with your photo and your post will be anonymous.
  4. Click “Submit.”

Note: Posts containing inappropriate content will be removed; please keep photos and comments respectful.

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