Photo submission is now closed. Thanks to everyone who participated!

Please upload your best wildflower photos directly to the page by 11:59 p.m. on June 10 by clicking “Post your photo,” selecting “Photo” and filling out the form. Please include your first and last name on the submission by putting it in the “Submission” field.

Pictures that contain a single type of wildflower (or plant) are preferred, since the guide is for identification purposes. Close ups are preferred, but landscape photos are also permissible. However, pictures should contain plants only and not people or animals. You can upload as many wildflower photos as you want. However, each wildflower picture requires a separate submission.


  1. Click on the “Post your photo” button below, and select “Photo.”
  2. Add your wildflower (or plant) picture and provide a title (such as the type of plant or location). In the “Submission” field, add your first and last name and provide the Texas county where the picture was taken. Your name will not appear with your submission unless you type it in.
  3. Click “Submit.”
  4. Be appropriate. Your submission is subject to moderator approval and will be removed if it is inappropriate.

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